Broadside antenna array
It consists of parallel placement of identical elements at an angle of ninety degrees to the axis of the antenna forming a bidirectional radiation pattern often used in combination with a reflector antenna which reflects the transmitted wave in the backward direction. Broadside antenna is the most widely used type of antenna array. Overseas broadcasting systems use broadside antenna arrays.
End -fire antenna array
Similar in the placement of elements to that of the broadside antenna array, the end-fire array is characterised by the elements are fed out of the phase and this type of arrangement provides the most possible amount of radiation to be generated thereby causing a unidirectional pattern of radiation along the direction of the axis of the array.
Collinear antenna array
The collinear antenna array consists of the placement of elements in a single line ranging from one end to the other creating stacks one behind the other in either a vertical or horizontal orientation and it is mainly involved in the formation of omnidirectional radiation patterns.
Parasitic antenna array
This type of array involves feeding random elements of the array parasitically and leads to high directive gain and thus array type is essentially used in dealing with the problems associated with the feedline. The array elements which is directly fed is known as the driven element whereas the rest of them are known as parasitic elements which are excited by electromagnetic coupling. Parasitic arrays are mainly found in Yagi Uda antennas.
Also read: Types of Antenna Connectors