Types of Sins in the Bible

Here different types of Sins are explained. Know about various types of sins. Here are some of the examples shown.

Greed Sin

It is widely recognised that the perusal of money, as well as power, is the characteristic inherent nature of the human race. Individuals set up a series of goals for themselves that they intend to achieve which include materialistic targets such as accumulation of money, power and status as much in abundance as possible which often creates the development of greed which more often than not affects the interpersonal relationships leading to loss of feelings such as empathy for one another. 

These materialistic goals gain their roots from the presence of a competitive spirit that people have towards one another in the same set of niches that hold the accumulation of wealth and power as the ultimate status symbols. Studies show that the pursuit of wealth often creates selfishness in people and thus even squashing their willingness to donate money for charitable purposes. This need for amassing materialistic possessions also stems through psychological insecurity which is often associated with financially underprivileged backgrounds during the younger years. 

Studies show that by addressing the two main underlying causes of greed which are competition, tendency to incur materialistic possessions and psychological insecurity, we can cut through the greed barrier. By focusing on discarding a materialistic lifestyle and by participating in the process of self-enhancement, we can cultivate love and healthy relationships, thereby reinforcing the values of goodwill inculcated in us by our elders and eliminate greed from harming us. 


Envy is the byproduct of our dislike of other people’s achievements which we had envisioned for ourselves. Envy stems from the fact that we do not possess another person’s neither the talent nor the luck but wish to gather all the success and accolades for ourselves and wish that others do not achieve the set of goals that they wish in life. The feeling of envy engulfs is in a series of emotions such as inferiority complex, resentment and ill will towards the individuals who have tasted success which has eluded us.

For the cultivation of the feelings of envy, the similarity is a major trigger factor. Even though we may have the same goals as others, the attaining of success causing relatively better circumstances leads to envy. The essential accept which when inculcated help in reducing the feeling of envy are self-control and the assumption of self-importance. Studies show that an individual should focus on attaining the goals set by them for achieving rather than dwelling on the success attained by others and developing the feelings of envy towards their achievements. For eliminating such negative thoughts, research shows that self-reinforcing and assuring yourself of achieving the set target plays a major role in improving the performance and also restores the confidence.


When we achieve success as well as reach a certain status, the feelings of pride automatically creep in. Pride is also regarded as an emotional psychological sin. Many people manifest pride in the form of signs that of their heads held high along with raised arms. The feeling of pride stems from the fact that their perseverance and the focus on attaining the goals have been aptly rewarded and shows that they were every inch worthy of the achievements. 

Studies show that people have always considered a display of pride as a status symbol even when the individual is not endowed with the attributes of belonging to the higher class. Pride is usually classified as authentic and hubristic. Authentic pride is often attributed to the results of the efforts of the individuals in the attainment of the goals. Hubristic pride is the display of a feeling of superiority that accompanies success as a result of the ability. 


Anger is one of the most basic of emotions and it is often found to be associated with other sins such as envy that has been extremely intense and pride that has been challenged due to any aspect. In today’s world, even the slightest action can trigger anger and has a grave impact on interpersonal relationships in the long run. Often, anger has been associated with various health disorders such as cardiovascular disease and depression along with abnormalities in mental health. Various therapies base their treatment by acting on the factors that provoke anger. 


Lust is a manifestation of the desire to mate which creates the continuity of the species. Lust is broadly classified as reproduction associated lust which fulfils sexual gratification, passionate lust which involves infatuation or the feeling of being in love with an individual and companionate lust which defines bonding between two or more people. Keeping in mind the changes that have occurred since evolution, lust can be considered to have become relatively controlled. Lust defines the need for sowing the seed for the creation of progeny and the continuation of generations. 


Gluttony is often associated with a deplorable absence of restraint which stems out from a poor character. It can also be used in the context of overeating of food more than the required quantity which can establish a relationship between gluttony and obesity. The quality of food that we intake is usually directly dependent on various environmental factors such as the availability of food, the price of the food as well as the portion size that can be availed based on the individual circumstance which further depends on various elements like the availability of time, the amount of hunger and the prevalent social pressure. 


This type of sin is associated with the feelings of the absence of drive to achieve the desired goals which can be due to several intrinsic factors which include the requirements of the mind or extrinsic factors such as the necessities of the body. The major negative aspect of sloth is the feeling of avoidance which removes the necessity of enjoying the process of attainment of goals where even the ultimate rewards do not motivate the individual. The feeling of sloth is often combined with a fear of failure which may occur as a result of unrealistic expectations and also previous conditions that have contributed to failure earlier in life.

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